
Sunday, 9 January 2011

New Year, New Delays?

Yes, I know I said I'd post the other day...  Things have been hectic is all the excuse I have I'm afraid.  I know, I fail!

Anyhow, partly to make it up to you, and partly to celebrate the fact that I did, indeed, get 1000 page views in 6 months (and no, none of them were me :P) I have a giveaway for you!

Sock Monkey the second!
A while back, I made a sock monkey for a Christmas present.  This is 'Missmass Munkey's' cousin, Sock Monkey the Second.

And he needs a home!  Which, obviously is where you come in.  If you would like Sock Monkey the Second to come and live with you, please leave a comment on this post.  I'll use a random number generator and pick a winner 9pm Sunday 16th January.

He wants to be your friend

Monday, 3 January 2011

A very short note

To say my Singer is set up, working beautifully and I am addicted...  Hence why I'm so late to bed!  A proper post tomorrow!

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Happy New Year!

No pictures today, just a list of my sewing New Years Resolutions.

1. Complete at least 3 courses.  I want to get better at sewing and I want to get back into the swing of learning :)

2. Cut down on my fabric scraps.  There is too much fabric n this house!  I need to do more patchwork or be more brutal about my off cuts

3. Say no to work if I don't have the time to complete it.  I must get better about not stressing myself out because people have unrealistic timing expectations.

4. Start designing my own patterns.  This is a big step towards the possible maybe perhaps daydream of a business.

That should keep me busy for a year.  Don't you think?